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Library Account

Your Library Account allows you to sign out library material, place holds and save lists of selected material. These are all features available through the library catalogue or the "My Account" link in the menu bar.

Library Accounts also allow you to access to library databases while off campus. 

Accessing your Library Account requires a login. Simply use your Microsoft Office 365 account as you do with all college systems!

If you need help with your login, check out TeamDynamix Accounts & Access

And don't forget to set up a Self-Service Password Reset
This allows you to change your Sault College password from anywhere, at anytime, without having to talk to an IT Service Desk Technician.

Sault College IT Services

Sault College IT Services

For detailed information or technical assistance with the computers or your student account, request service through TeamDynamix

The Lab Support Office is located in B1030, and the help desk can by reach by phone at 759-2554 x2504


Sault College Student Account

If you are unable to log into your regular Sault College Student Account, please visit the Student Portal (

Click the Help Tab, Link Here

Follow the instructions under "Password Reset

Printing, Copying & Scanning


The Library has two Black & White printers and one Colour printer.


Printers in the Library provide free scan-to-email functionality.  Instructions are located on the bulletin board above the black and white machines.

Computer Lab

Library Computer Lab

The library houses a computer lab of 40 computers. 

Each student is allocated a print quota each semester and each page you print deducts from your total.  

Black & white printing:  $0.10/page
Colour printing: $0.40/page

Should you need to add additional print credits, you can do so from the print portal. Click here for printing information from TeamDynamix by IT Services


All computes in the library must be used in accordance with the Information Technology Acceptable Use & Security Policy.

Ron Doyle Library
Sault College
443 Northern Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6B 4J3
(705) 759-2554 ext. 2711

Want to access our eResources? Use your Sault College Microsoft login!

Sault College library now uses the same login as all other college systems. If you need help with your login, check out TeamDynamix Accounts & Access

And don't forget to set up a Self-Service Password Reset
This allows you to change your Sault College password from anywhere, at anytime, without having to talk to an IT Service Desk Technician.