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Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring Schedule

For more information please contact:

Peer Tutoring is now managed by
Sault College's Student Success


You can contact the Student Success team via email:
or in-person at Student Services.


Peer Tutoring

The Peer Tutoring Program allows students who are excelling academically to help other students by leading drop-in tutorial sessions for a variety of subject areas and programs. Tutors work with tutees to review course material and work through questions together; however, tutors do not re-teach an entire class or help tutees complete entire assignments.

How Does the Program Work?

  • Weekly group, drop-in tutoring sessions
  • Students can attend for the whole session weekly or drop-in as needed with questions
  • The Peer Tutoring Schedule can be found at the Library Service Desk and as a PDF document on the right side of this page
  • In addition to specific program tutoring, core subjects are also covered on the schedule such as English and Mathematics
  • One-on-One/Small Group tutoring is available for students with registered disabilities or a demonstrated need via a referral from an Academic Counsellor in Student Services
  • Peer tutors are paid $16.98 per hour for leading group tutorial sessions and $15.66 per hour for one-on-one/small group tutoring
  • Training for peer tutors is provided by the Peer Tutoring Coordinator and Peer Tutoring Assistant

Peer Tutoring Posters

What is Peer Tutoring?


Becoming a Tutor

Being a Peer Tutor is a great opportunity to gain work experience, expand your knowledge of course material, and have a convenient on-campus job that works with your schedule.

Students Interested in Being Peer Tutors:

  • Must be in good academic standing and have at least a B-average in the subject area they wish to tutor
  • Must complete an application form that includes recommendations by two professors
  • International students are welcome to apply to be Peer Tutors

When Do I Apply?

  • Any time!
  • Print out the application form on the right, get two faculty recommendations from professors, and email the completed form to
  • Ask your two professors to email their recommendations to
  • All applications are kept on file in case program tutoring needs change throughout the semester

Benefits of Being a Peer Tutor:

  • Reinforce your own knowledge of course material
  • Convenient work schedule and scheduling of hours
  • Gain valuable work experience for your résumé
  • Satisfaction of helping others succeed


Tutee Responsibilities 

Tutees (students getting tutoring) have the following responsibilities:

Before the tutoring sessions:

  • Attend all classes as required
  • Read all assigned material
  • Attempt all homework assignments 
  • Take notes on problem areas and list questions you have

During the tutoring session:

  • Always bring your textbook, class notes, and any necessary materials (ie calculator)
  • Expect to be actively involved in working through problems and discussing class material with your tutor
  • Ask the tutor to explain anything that you did not understand
  • Tell the tutor if he/she is moving too quickly through the material so you both can set an appropriate pace for learning

Still Having Difficulty?

  • Talk to your instructor as soon as possible and seek clarification, assistance, or guidance
  • Complete the Student Success Learning Modules on the College Services tab of the Student Portal that cover note-taking, time management, study skills, and self-care techniques
  • Form an informal study group within your class or program to support each other and your learning activities
  • Visit Student Services to make an appointment with a counsellor to discuss your academic options and success strategies

Ron Doyle Library
Sault College
443 Northern Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6B 4J3
(705) 759-2554 ext. 2711

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